Believe or not Now you Can watch Stars War on your Command Prompt !!
If you are a fan of Star wars you must try this. Cool Trick to Watch Star Wars Saga in Command Prompt!

Greeting Folks, you might have watched Stars movies a long time ago, multiple times in different platforms in your television , cinema theater, and in your desktops.
but now for the true fans of starts war they can re-watch the original series in a new innovative method.
But the main question arises!! how can someone watch Stars wars in Command pRompt as an Animation ??
we all know in movies there are lots of animations used how Cmd is going to provide the animated environment.
to watch the starts wars in CMD just follow the steps
How To Watch on windows Os Star Wars In Command Prompt Via Telnet?
Step 1: Open Cmd and run as administrator.
Enter the code :
pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient" |
and press enter
once you enter the above code close the CMD and restart your cmd as administrator
Step 2: enter the following command and press enter.
Telnet |
For Linux os:
Step 1: Open Terminal and run the following code
sudo apt install telnet |
after that run the following command.
telnet |
Some Clips of the stars wars
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