Robin Sharma is known for his leadership skills to guide people find happiness and success in life. Among many books Robin Sharma has written, there are four specific books that you must read and are my absolute personal favourites: The monk who sold his ferrari, The 5 am club, Who will cry when you die, and Leadership wisdom.

Jan 10, 2022 - 17:07
Aug 7, 2022 - 18:46
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We, the millennials, are always in search of something meaningful and purposeful in everything we do. While searching for reasons, most of the time we end up using all our fuels or so we think. Robin Sharma is the best-known author who can reignite our fuels, energy, passion, dedication with just his words and motivates us to be a better human and leader. An influential writer, a leader, and a motivational speaker, Robin Sharma, knows it all when it comes to touch your soul with his words.

Following are the most influential and motivational books of Robin Sharma which you have to read for both your personal and professional success:

  1. The monk who sold his ferrari

  2. The 5 am club

  3. Who will cry when you die

  4. Leadership wisdom

The monk who sold his ferrari

The monk who sold his Ferrari narrates the story of a successful lawyer, Julian Mantle, whose priority in life is money, status, power, and prestige. Later on, when he has a massive heart attack, he realizes that he has been running towards shallow possessions all his life without having true purpose of life. After recovering, he sells his most valuable and favorite possession, his red Ferrari, heads towards India in search of meaningful existence from mystical Himalayan monks.

After his return from the Himalaya of India, he teaches his former associate ‘The Seven Virtues of Enlighten Learning’. The zest of the book revolves around these seven virtues even though they are well-known and familiar to us all. However, the way Robin Sharma has portrayed and explained the virtues in story telling account is just astoundingly gorgeous. The seven virtues of ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ are:

  • Master Your Mind
  • Follow Your Purpose
  • Practice Kaizen
  • The Power of Discipline
  • Respect Your Time
  • Selflessly Serve Others
  • Embrace the Present

If you want to self-improve, be more competent, and gain more leadership qualities, you certainly have to give the book a read. The main lesson we can get from the book is that ‘our success starts within’. Accepting and conquering our inner self is the first step towards both our inner and outer success.

The 5 am club

They say “the early bird catches the worm”

The 5 AM Club of Robin Sharma explains the benefits of rising early everyday through the help of a fictional artist, and entrepreneur, and a tycoon. The book suggests that integrating early morning routine to every day routine is key to success of many entrepreneurs, thinkers, artists, and public figures. The book shares common ground with successes related to other early morning routine practices and importance of making it habit. The book is parable of genius success relating to habit of few who make it effective and efficient.

The key takeaways of The 5 AM Club are:

  • Waking up early like in 5 AM provides solitude and improved brain state to think like pros which many successful people follow.
  • Small yet consistent advances and balancing four interior empires; Mindset, Physical health, Emotional well-being, and spirituality ultimately lead to unimaginable outcome over time to self-mastery.
  • Using certain sets of rule like 20/20/20 to manage early morning efficiently according to personality and continuing to step outside the comfort zone to change the life for better.

This book leaves the best benefits and great examples to start the day early to become the 5% of the population. If you are searching for self-motivational and self-development books to motivate and inspire yourself, this book just might serve you right.

Also check out 5 life changing books that you must read (2022)

Who will cry when you die

In ‘Who Will Cry When You Die’, Robin Sharma offers his readers with specific tips of becoming the best version of themselves. The book also provides the benefits of becoming best-self as leaving legacy of greatness and making others grateful for the contributions made for others’ lives.

These days, most of us are busy living our own lives and barely step up for humanity or society. The book suggests us to go out more of our own spaces, noticing and helping people around us, self-believing, being honest to ourselves and others, maintaining the right perspectives on both up-hills and down-hills, taking care of health and finding happiness in small things.

The book completely motivates you to overcome your own fear and difficulties while developing personality and skillsets.  Who Will Cry When You Die is the third series of ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ which proposes 100 hundred solutions to our existing problems. The foremost lesson of the book involves in ‘making the better version of ourselves by being & doing good for our own self and for sake of others as well to leave a great legacy behind’.

This Robin Sharma’s book will completely change the person you are if you are willing to take his words seriously. Entire book is dedicated for your self-discovery, self-improvement, self-development and many more that teaches us to notice little things and enjoy every bit of them for your and others’ fulfilling life.

“How you live your life not only affects you but also those around you, so leave a great example and version of yourself for others to remember.”

Some of the best quotes of Who Will Cry When You Die not only allure readers into its depth bust also provide powerful insights and immense knowledge.   

  • “I wept because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet.”
  • “How high you will rise in your life will be determined not by how hard you work but by how well you think.”
  • “Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it,”
  • “Kindness, quite simply, is the rent we must pay for the space we occupy on this planet.”
  • “Forgiving someone who has wronged you is actually a selfish act rather than a selfless one.”
  • “pain is a teacher and failure is the highway to success.”
  • “He who asks may be a fool for five minutes. He who doesn’t is a fool for a lifetime,”
  • “the tougher you are on yourself, the easier life will be on you.”
  • “You will never be able to eliminate a weakness you don’t even know about. The first step to eliminating a negative habit is to become aware of it.”
  • “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it.”
  • “Son, when you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries while you rejoice.”

Leadership wisdom

Robin Sharma’s ‘Leadership Wisdom’ continues after ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’. The book is responsible for guiding towards the 8 Ritual of Visionary Leaders. The fable provides the rituals in one by one, step by step manner in detail. The monk, who sold his Ferrari, returns from the Himalayas and offers his former associate, who by the way, is having leadership crisis at his organization with eight successful rituals.

Ritual 1 Link Paycheck to Purpose

  • Purpose is a powerful tool to motivate self and others
  • Leader should be able to get his followers excited about the compelling vision of an organization
  • Leaders are not managers; his employees have faith in their leader
  • Visionary leader liberates human talent and manifests the potential of people
  • Great leaders lead with integrity, character and courage.

“The ultimate task of the visionary leader is to dignify and honor the lives of the people he leads by allowing them to manifest their highest potential the work they do.”

Ritual 2 Manage by Mind, Lead by Heart

  • Great leaders start by deeply connecting with the people
  • Leaders should understand that the deepest human hunger is the need to be cherished and understood
  • Treat people with courtesy and kindness

Ritual 3 Reward Routinely, Recognize Relentlessly

  • Great teachers and great coaches are the best leaders
  • Genuinely recognize, appreciate and reward the employees because leaders get back more of what they just rewarded
  • Praise is free so why not praise someone of their abilities and capabilities?

 “Visionary leaders understand that employees who feel they are values members of an exciting team will go the extra mile and give their best. If you practice ritual 2 by rewarding routinely and recognizing relentlessly, they will invest their spirits in your organization. They will begin to see themselves as part of a larger whole. That is when your company will become unstoppable.”

Ritual 4 Surrender to Change

  • Great leaders are trained to manage chaos and unimaginable for bringing changes
  • Learn, grow, and add more knowledge to support changes
  • Changes and adaptability is key to survival and growth.

“Doing the same things every day cannot deliver new results. To change the results, you are getting, you need to change the things you are doing. You must transform the way you are leading.”

Ritual 5 Focus on the Worthy

  • Leaders concentrate the purpose and focus on the effectiveness.
  • Getting to know how to undo things is the best way to do things.
  • Lead and manage the time effciicently.
  • Priorities and plan the schedule ahead and effectively follow them.

Never forget the importance of each and every one of your days. As you live your days, so you live your life. Do no waste even one of them? The past is history and the future is but a figment. This day, the present, is really all you have.”

Ritual 6 Leader Lead Thyself

  • A leader within is a leader in all
  • Leaders see the world not as it is but as they are
  • Conscious and unconscious commitment, both affect the performance to a great deal
  • Great leaders never settle for mediocrity when they can attain mastery

“Do not be so busy striving that you miss out on living.”

Ritual 7 See What All See. Think What None Think

  • Despite being creative, great leaders are visionary and master of utilizing everyone’s talent accordingly.
  • Think unlike everyone so, great leaders are those who do things uncommonly and differently
  • Appreciate trial and error openly

Ritual 8 Link Leadership to Legacy

  • Identify and follow the purpose of life
  • Be devoted towards making a change and doing things differently
  • Begin something that does not just end with you

This book is the best if your are seeking for leadership qualities and thinking of self-development. The book not only preaches on the rituals but also provides practical tips to employ in daily lives.

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Taya A passionate, diligent, reliable, creative, innovative, visionary, and motivated blogger and content creator.