Love what you do and do what you love


source: Layabung Diaries

My Unfit Job and I

Looked so shiny, glitters all over you, I was mesmerized by your charms

How I was misled, to keep you, I had to set multiple alarms

You gave me a way out of my deprivation

And yet I had to leave you for own resurrection

People I knew applauded for you rather than me

I was hopeless, if anyone could hear my plea

Drenched in sweats, complaining clients and non-working AC

Rather than you being ocean blue, it felt as deep grey sea

In time, you made me an addict of you

Despite working like a machine, what you owed still undue

Maybe I was unfit or you’re to me

Oh! Still so sweet.. was extracting honey as you’re a bee

Overloaded assignments, yet you demanded overtime

You plundered all, I was covered in your slime

Once they called me humble, polite, and bubbly

All thanks to you, now it’s just cold and grumpy

Flying free and high were always my dream

Stuck on a chair more than 10 hours a day, I so wanted to Scream!

I’m grateful, learned few marketing tools

Whatever they say, I know, you still left me with some of my cools

Was not all set but I had to go..

I am sure there’re many options, you just let me know!

You let my wonders lost in material

Soon desires would fade, they’d be equatorial

Delighted that we found each other, leaving no remorse..

Wait a while, I’ll be back with all your stories to endorse..

Kala Rai