Beware Phishing Scams Have Increased By 232 Percent On LinkedIn.

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Beware Phishing Scams Have Increased By 232 Percent On LinkedIn.

Phishing cyberattacks on LinkedIn have increased by 232 percent since the beginning of February. Scammers have begun to utilize LinkedIn to trick users into opening phishing links in Outlook 365. They entice customers to enter their personal information on bogus websites.

"You appeared in four searches this week," "You have one new message," and "Your profile matches this position" are some of the emails LinkedIn sends to its users.

“When clicked, the phishing links send the victim to a website that harvests their LinkedIn log-in credentials. The footer features elements from LinkedIn’s genuine email footer, including their global HQ address, hyperlinks to unsubscribe and to their support section, and the recipient’s information.”

Cybersecurity firm Egress

Scammers send phony emails with identical subject lines. Webmail addresses with a LinkedIn display name and stylistic HTML templates are used in these scams. Scammers benefit from this tactic because victims are socially engineered to believe them.