WEB2 and WEB3
Comparisons and differences between web2 and web3 in terms of accessibility, cost, scalability, and user experience

Web2 or Web2.0 and Web3 or Web3.0 are successive iteration of Web 1.0 or the Web existed in 1990s and early 2000s. Web2 is also the current version of the internet that we’re using. Today most of the dominant internet companies provide web services in exchange to our personal data. However, Web3 refers to decentralized apps that run on blockchain. Web3 will allow its users to participate without monetizing personal data.
Benefits of Using Web3:
- In Web3, every user who is on the network will not need permission for using the internet.
- Nobody can deny the users to access the service.
- The native token, ether (ETH), are used for payment in Web3.
- In Ethereum which means turning complete, everyone can program anything.
Existing Limitations of Web3:
Most users are unable to have access to Web3 as there is lack of integration in modern web browsers. -
Putting code of successful dApps (decentralized applications) in blockchain is very expensive. -
Due to decentralization, transactions are relatively slower as changes to state has to be processed by a miner and circulated throughout network. -
Web3 needs extra education, software, and steps for interaction with apps.
Differences Between Web2 and Web3
The most common differences of Web2 and Web3 are:
The main difference between Web2 and Web3 lies in the centralized vs decentralized network system.
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