Large Digital ( L.E.D. ) boards in Nepal

You might have noticed large digital billboards while travelling to china , US or other developed countries or you might have saw it in some movies. Yeah duh!, you cannot keep your eyes off of it once you notice it. Times square, New York City and China’s capital cities are some of those places where such large billboards are installed but they are not the only place. large display have also been used in TV events and in the live events like concerts, award ceremony etc.
These large displays are not what you call a TV. Large LED boards are kind of different, they are small LED panels (comes in small sizes of 15 X 15 cm or 256mm X 128 mm) which are connected together and the contents are displayed using these units in parallel. Each units has its own power and video in/output ports which can be controlled using an external control chip. Now days the processor board we use for the parallel display comes with its own wireless connection through with we can connect to it and using a software in our laptop or mobile phone we can change the display contents. Previously, this part was a bit hard as we had to program it all.
WHY L.E.D digital display boards?
- LED lights do not contain any toxic elements like fluorescent.
- Long Life, a single led can be used for up to 75,000 hours.
- Less heat
- we can replace a panel or a single led of that panel if it gets damaged
- Digital signage helps to increase sales.
- Digital LED display boards are flexible enough and can be used wherever we want. You can change the content whenever you want
- The digital boards are very interactive and attract audiences
- Digital Billboards helps increase sales and uplift revenue
- A Digital board is a way to tell people how technologically friendly your company is
You may have noticed a Large Screen while steering your way through United World Trade Center, Tripureshwor chowk. Isn’t that just mesmerising?. Large screen catches your eyes fast due to the contrast.
This Large Screen was installed by the UltraLedDisplay team which is a sister concern of Himalayan Solution Nepal’s First Electronic and Robotic Goods importer. Ultra Led Display provides different types of LED displays from p2 to p10. The “p” here stands for pixel pitch, which is the distance between the center of one led display to another adjoining one. using Digital LED Display boards we can control the brightness, color etc. using simple software.